Sunday 24 August 2014

Don't miss the last episode of The Zoo

Hi PetPals!

Quick reminder that The Zoo is on tonight at 8pm on ITV. It's the last episode in the series :(

In tonight's episode we find out if the Rhinos from Whipsnade Zoo make up and start a family.

Mak sure you don't miss it! 

Sunday 17 August 2014

The Zoo- ITV1 8pm tonight

Hi PetPals!

Now, if you live in the UK you will know the popular documentary 'The Zoo' has returned to our screens once again.

The Zoo documents the life behind the zoo at Whipsnade and London. It features all of their animals and the time and hard work that goes into keeping these animals healthy and happy.

I only live about 20 minutes from Whipsnade Zoo and love watching the programme and getting to see all the behind scenes. It's a fantastic insight into life at the zoo.

Anyway, make sure you don't miss tonight's episode. It's on ITV1 at 8pm. 

Wednesday 13 August 2014

Operation Wild: Thandi

Hi PetPals,

Operation Wild is a documentary on BBC1 that's being shown every Wednesday at 9pm. I'm currently watching an episode and I'm literally infuriated by what I am seeing. If you are watching or have watched this episode (number 2) then you will know what I am on about it.

Now I'm well aware poaching goes on. I'm also dead AGAINST it. But having seen Thandi the Rhinocerous have to endure the pain and suffering of her horn horn being removed by absolute, evil humans, I feel more needs to be done to help her and all the other animals in the wild facing poachers.

Rhinos and most wild animals are killed by poachers because they believe their horns,body parts, blood etc have medicine inside them which can treat/cure human illnesses. No matter how many times, scientists say it, these poachers and these witch doctors still believe they have medial properties. 

You can blame it on lack of education, but personally I just think they're stupid and selfish. Yep, that's right. What gives them the right to cause suffering to an animal? They are no better than any animal. We're technically all the same, we should all be treated the same. 

There would be uproar if someone went around mutilating people for medical purposes yet there's none when it comes to the poaching of animals. We're extremely lucky that we have the gift of speech, animals can't communicate their feelings but it doesn't mean they don't have rights. 

Every animal has a right to live a happy and healthy life. Sometimes, I hate the human race and feel quite ashamed that I am a human really especially when our kind do such selfish, evil things. 

So Thandi the Rhinocerous had her horn removed by poachers, she was lucky to be found when she did otherwise she would most definitely have died. The rangers in the reserve park she lives in watch her 24/7 and are trying to heal the wound she still has 2 years after her ordeal. At the end of the programme, the rangers announced that Thandi was pregnant with her first baby. The future is looking bright for Thandi.

To finish this rant (sorry), I thought this picture summed up Thandi's ordeal and why it should NEVER have happened: 

Saturday 9 August 2014

Staffie Saturday || 2

Hi PetPals,

Woodgreen Animal Shelter are running a campaign on changing the perception of staffies. On their website (link below) they have explained why staffies make good pets and what they need from their owners. 

Please check the website out and make sure you share to your friends so together we can change the perspective of these friendly dogs. 

Thursday 7 August 2014

Help Find Tess

Hi PetPals,

You may have heard through the media about Tess, the guide dog who has gone missing.

The six-year-old black curly coated retriever disappeared while walking off-lead with her owner in Nairn, a seaside town about 16 miles east of Inverness. 
The Guide Dog society are doing everything they can to locate Tess and reunite her with her owner. We can all do our bit by sharing this poster and putting it in shop windows/on lamposts. 

Although she went missing in Scotland, Tess could now be in any part of the UK, so we really do need everyone’s help to find her. If you see a dog who looks like Tess for sale in your local area, or notice that someone has recently acquired a black curly coated retriever, or if you have any other concrete information which may help us, please get in touch with us immediately on 0800 688 8409
The more people that are aware of missing Tess, the more likely we are to find her.

You can download the poster here:

Wednesday 6 August 2014

Rain + Dog Walking = Frizzy Hair and Smelling Like a Wet Dog

Hi PetPals!

After months of lovely, hot weather, the rain has returned to the UK and boy is it making up for its absence. As I write this it's pouring it down and there are lots of people running into their houses having just gone out for a walk with their dogs.

It got me thinking, what do you wear to walk the dog that makes you feel good and keeps you dry? 


Firstly, it's important you're wearing sensible shoes. There's nothing worst than getting wet feet! These Chelsea boot Wellies from Asda are the perfect thing to wear. They're a lot more stylish than ordinary wellies, cut just above the ankle too so you don't have to struggle getting them on/off. They're a patent black which means they're not too in your face and can be paired with pretty much anything. These are £12, so are super affordable. 

Pair these with skinny jeans, leggings, shorts and dresses and you'll look super stylish walking your pooch.

Another important thing to wear is a coat or jacket of some sort. Asos have this super cute Daisy Print Mac which  can be worn anytime really. It's quite pricy at £45 but it's a great investment as it's high quality, thicker than most macs and will never go out of fashion. It's a great way to jazz up your outfit.

If you don't really want to pay that much for a mac, Asda do their own. This one is £20 and is a plain dark grey which you can dress up or down. It's great quality and the reviews speak for themselves.

Finally, we can't forget your beloved pet pal! As much as they love walks, they don't like getting caught in the rain either.

This coat is from Pets at Home and comes in a range of sizes. It costs between £20-£25 pounds depending on the size you get. It's waterproof which means your dog won't get soaked and keeps them warm in the colder months. It's called Repels-It Nano Proof and comes in blue or red. 

If you would prefer your dog to be bone dry and not muddy, I recommend you purchase this. It's from PetPlanet and it like a tracksuit for your dog. It's got 5 star reviews and starting at £15 it's a bargain! It's called Cosipet Trouser/ Tracksuit and comes in a range of sizes. The coat covers your dogs body and legs leaving only it's head and tail exposed. The fact it covers your dogs legs means your dog won't come home with muddy legs. 

So there you have it, items for you to look stylish and keep dry in the UKs wet summers and so,etching for your pet pal too! 

Let me know in the comments if you enjoyed this post or have any tips on how to look stylish yet stay dry when walking your dog in the rain.

Saturday 2 August 2014

Staffie Saturday

Hi PetPals,

Staffies are always getting bad press. Everyday in the newspaper or online, there are stories about these 'Monster' 'Killer' dogs. The truth is, Staffies are good, soppy, gentle dogs if the owner trains them correctly. Of course, every dog poses a threat/risk but with the right training and common sense, all dogs can live side by side with humans. If we educate ourselves on better care for our dogs than the dogs will be a lot better. 

Anyway,  I found these pictures which I totally agree with and I'm sure you will too.

If you have a Staffordshire Bull Terrier, I would love to feature your pet on my blog. Please leave a comment below detailing life with your Staffie. Let's change peoples perception of this lovely breed together. 

Save an Animal Sunday || 7

Hi PetPals!

This weeks Save an Animal Sunday is Prince from the Woodgreen Animal Shelter.

Prince is a 4 year old American Bulldog who would love a home with children above 11 years old and the company of a female companion. He doesn't like cats but is a kind-hearted obedient soppy dog.

If you would like to give Prince a loving new home, please contact the Woodgreen Animal Shelter on tel:084420248208181 and state Prince's reference number 16569-Dog. 

Alternatively, you can donate to the shelter to help them care for the animals they have in care. You can do this by going on their website:

Thursday 31 July 2014

Updates and Animal Friendly Make-up!

Hi PetPals! 

I thought I would add another feature that includes you, the owner. I wanted to show you Superdrugs very own makeup brand that is animal cruelty free! It's called ' I Love Makeup'. 

They have recently just released all their products and I have to say they are absolutely lush! Their products cover a range of makeup needs including, primer, foundation, concealer, eye liner. You name it they've got it!

The best thing about it is that it's super affordable and high quality. Times are tough and not everyone can afford to go into The Body Shop and purchase their animal cruelty free products, so the fact Superdrug have brought out their own is super exciting! 'I Love Makeup' ranges from £2.99 to £4.99 which is a bargain! 

You can now look beautiful whilst looking after your pets with this incredible new brand and feel reassured that it's cruelty free too.

Wednesday 30 April 2014

Nervous Cats

Hi PetPals!

Do you have a nervous cat? Does your cat scratch or spray at things? Do they hide? Well don't panic as there are things you can do to help your feline pal.

It seems strange to think of a cat being nervous or anxious considering they're related to Lions and Tigers. However, cats can be nervous creatures and sometimes but not always it can be related to past experiences. Most of the time though, it's their natural mechanism of fight or flight. 

The first thing to think about if you have a nervous or anxious cat is to work out why they feel like that? There are lots of things that can make cats anxious/scared such as a new environment, new toys, new people or even an unwanted play mate. Finding out why is the most important step in helping your cat. 

It can be hard to pinpoint exactly what is making your cat nervous but making subtle changes can help. The following would be good ideas:

1. Hideouts/Dens - cats are solitary in the wild, they live on their own and depend on themselves for everything. Placing a few hideouts or dens around the house may help your cat to feel more safe in their environment. You can purchase a variety of cat dens and hideouts from most pet stores and online at Amazon or Ebay. I recommend using a cat carrier, it's secure, easily cleanable and will make getting your cat into a carrier for the vets 10x easier if they're already used to it. You can put blankets in  to make it more comfy. The good thing about dens and hideouts is that the cat can see what's going on in their environment without being fully exposed. Soon they'll get used to the sounds, smells and movements and will feel much more relaxed about coming out.

2. Don't pester your cat - as tempting as it is to give a nervous cat lots of extra love and attention, it's not really going to make them feel at ease. It's best to slowly build up your relationship with the cat as charging up to it, forcing it to have cuddles is only going to make them feel threatened and resent you! If your cat is in their den, leave them, let them come out when they're ready. Building up a relationship and trust with your cat will take a long time so be patient. 

3. Favourite toy/food - oh yes, the old bribery trick. Using a cats favourite toy or food can help reduce anxiety and also build up a relationship. 

4. Act Normal - too many owners tiptoe around their nervous cats. They can sense this and it will only make them worst as they will be worried about what you're worrying about. Hoover and clean as normal but obviously don't do it right under the cats nose.

5. Feliway - If after trying all of the above has not worked (it may take time so be very, very patient) it may be time to invest in Feliway. I personally think this should be a last resort. Feliway is a scent diffuser (that only animals can detect) that makes your cat feel at ease. The scent is a replica of the pheromone that cats produce when marking their territory and is a similar smell to their mother. It makes the cat feel comfortable in their environment and comes in different applications such as a spray and plug in diffuser. 

To find out more about Feliway, visit their website at 

There you have it, 5 ideas to try if you have a nervous or anxious cat. Please bare in mind though, that all of the ideas above will take time to work. Your cat will not suddenly stop being nervous overnight, just be patient and soon your cat will come around. 

I hope this has helped! For more information on nervous cats please check out:

Saturday 26 April 2014

Save am Animal Sunday || 6

Hi PetPals!

This weeks 'Save an Animal Sunday' are the beautiful a Triumph and Zephy.

White gerbils Triumph and Zephy © RSPCA
Triumph and Zephy are one-year-old gerbils who are in the care of the RSPCA Stafford Wolverhampton and District Branch. They are one of the longer stay residents, who were brought into RSPCA care due to welfare concerns.
Triumph and Zephy are very friendly and inquisitive and need plenty of toys, boxes and tunnels to play and explore in. They share a very special bond and are perfect for adult owners or a family with older children.
If you think you can offer them a loving new home please contact:

Tuesday 22 April 2014

A dining room play table for your cat?

Hi PetPals!

Look at how cool this dining table is! 

We all know how much cats love to explore and how nosey they are. Well a Hong Kong based architecture company called  Lycs have designed the CATable. The creator, Ruan Hao calls it , ‘a table for us, and a paradise for cats’. 

The CATable is a work table with tunnels, crannies, holes, and passageways built for your cat to explore and sleep in. It will keep your cat busy while remaining functional and stylish for you.

It's not available to buy yet but it's expected to be a huge hit with cat owners.

Do you own a cat? Will you be purchasing one as soon as it's available to do so? Let me know in the comments below.

Friday 18 April 2014

Save an Animal Sunday || 5

Hi PetPals!

This weeks 'Save an Animal Sunday' is the gorgeous 'Dasher'. 

Dasher has been in the care of the RSPCA for two years and has watched many of his friends find new homes. It's about time he found himself a loving home too!

Dasher is a male and would need to be housed indoors and alone. He is a very clean rabbit and does his business in the same place hence why he would make a excellent house rabbit. Dasher is a friendly, loving rabbit who is very happy playing and chucking his balls around. 

If you think you could give Dasher a loving home or know someone who could, please get in touch with the RSPCA Suffolk East and Ipswich branch or give them a call on 0300 999 7321.

For more animals up for rehoming please check out

Thursday 17 April 2014

Happy Easter

Hi PetPals!

Easter has come round so quick and it's fair to say it's everyone's favourite holiday. It's a great excuse just to eat lots and lots of chocolate and not feel guilty. 

Whilst Easter might be a joyous holiday for us humans, it's not quite as enjoyable for our pets.

All over the bank holiday weekend, people will be popping into pet shops and purchasing rabbits as Easter gifts. Just like a dog is not just for christmas, a rabbit is most definitely not just for Easter. Rabbits need a lot of care and attention. Whilst their needs might be met for the first month after Easter, they are soon forgotten about and eventually are put 'up for sale' or are handed in to rehoming centres that are already bursting at the seams! 

This Easter, please rethink about purchasing a rabbit. Donate or volunteer at a rehoming centre instead. Rabbits require a lot of care, they can become poorly if not looked after and they have a life expectancy of up to 8 years! It's not fair on the rabbit to be forgotten about and moved from house to rehoming centre to another house.

Another pet that will suffer this Easter is our beloved dogs. Dogs are not allowed chocolate at all and yet over Easter a small minority of owners think it's acceptable to give their dogs an Easter egg as it's just a 'one off' or a 'little treat'. Chocolate is highly poison able to dogs and should never ever be given to dogs. 

If you want to treat your dog this Easter, take them for a really long walk (weather permitting) or buy them a nice new bed/toy. They would definitely appreciate that more than having a huge tummy ache and a trip to the vets!

Enjoy your Easter PetPals!