Wednesday 30 April 2014

Nervous Cats

Hi PetPals!

Do you have a nervous cat? Does your cat scratch or spray at things? Do they hide? Well don't panic as there are things you can do to help your feline pal.

It seems strange to think of a cat being nervous or anxious considering they're related to Lions and Tigers. However, cats can be nervous creatures and sometimes but not always it can be related to past experiences. Most of the time though, it's their natural mechanism of fight or flight. 

The first thing to think about if you have a nervous or anxious cat is to work out why they feel like that? There are lots of things that can make cats anxious/scared such as a new environment, new toys, new people or even an unwanted play mate. Finding out why is the most important step in helping your cat. 

It can be hard to pinpoint exactly what is making your cat nervous but making subtle changes can help. The following would be good ideas:

1. Hideouts/Dens - cats are solitary in the wild, they live on their own and depend on themselves for everything. Placing a few hideouts or dens around the house may help your cat to feel more safe in their environment. You can purchase a variety of cat dens and hideouts from most pet stores and online at Amazon or Ebay. I recommend using a cat carrier, it's secure, easily cleanable and will make getting your cat into a carrier for the vets 10x easier if they're already used to it. You can put blankets in  to make it more comfy. The good thing about dens and hideouts is that the cat can see what's going on in their environment without being fully exposed. Soon they'll get used to the sounds, smells and movements and will feel much more relaxed about coming out.

2. Don't pester your cat - as tempting as it is to give a nervous cat lots of extra love and attention, it's not really going to make them feel at ease. It's best to slowly build up your relationship with the cat as charging up to it, forcing it to have cuddles is only going to make them feel threatened and resent you! If your cat is in their den, leave them, let them come out when they're ready. Building up a relationship and trust with your cat will take a long time so be patient. 

3. Favourite toy/food - oh yes, the old bribery trick. Using a cats favourite toy or food can help reduce anxiety and also build up a relationship. 

4. Act Normal - too many owners tiptoe around their nervous cats. They can sense this and it will only make them worst as they will be worried about what you're worrying about. Hoover and clean as normal but obviously don't do it right under the cats nose.

5. Feliway - If after trying all of the above has not worked (it may take time so be very, very patient) it may be time to invest in Feliway. I personally think this should be a last resort. Feliway is a scent diffuser (that only animals can detect) that makes your cat feel at ease. The scent is a replica of the pheromone that cats produce when marking their territory and is a similar smell to their mother. It makes the cat feel comfortable in their environment and comes in different applications such as a spray and plug in diffuser. 

To find out more about Feliway, visit their website at 

There you have it, 5 ideas to try if you have a nervous or anxious cat. Please bare in mind though, that all of the ideas above will take time to work. Your cat will not suddenly stop being nervous overnight, just be patient and soon your cat will come around. 

I hope this has helped! For more information on nervous cats please check out:

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