Thursday 17 April 2014

Happy Easter

Hi PetPals!

Easter has come round so quick and it's fair to say it's everyone's favourite holiday. It's a great excuse just to eat lots and lots of chocolate and not feel guilty. 

Whilst Easter might be a joyous holiday for us humans, it's not quite as enjoyable for our pets.

All over the bank holiday weekend, people will be popping into pet shops and purchasing rabbits as Easter gifts. Just like a dog is not just for christmas, a rabbit is most definitely not just for Easter. Rabbits need a lot of care and attention. Whilst their needs might be met for the first month after Easter, they are soon forgotten about and eventually are put 'up for sale' or are handed in to rehoming centres that are already bursting at the seams! 

This Easter, please rethink about purchasing a rabbit. Donate or volunteer at a rehoming centre instead. Rabbits require a lot of care, they can become poorly if not looked after and they have a life expectancy of up to 8 years! It's not fair on the rabbit to be forgotten about and moved from house to rehoming centre to another house.

Another pet that will suffer this Easter is our beloved dogs. Dogs are not allowed chocolate at all and yet over Easter a small minority of owners think it's acceptable to give their dogs an Easter egg as it's just a 'one off' or a 'little treat'. Chocolate is highly poison able to dogs and should never ever be given to dogs. 

If you want to treat your dog this Easter, take them for a really long walk (weather permitting) or buy them a nice new bed/toy. They would definitely appreciate that more than having a huge tummy ache and a trip to the vets!

Enjoy your Easter PetPals! 

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