Wednesday 13 August 2014

Operation Wild: Thandi

Hi PetPals,

Operation Wild is a documentary on BBC1 that's being shown every Wednesday at 9pm. I'm currently watching an episode and I'm literally infuriated by what I am seeing. If you are watching or have watched this episode (number 2) then you will know what I am on about it.

Now I'm well aware poaching goes on. I'm also dead AGAINST it. But having seen Thandi the Rhinocerous have to endure the pain and suffering of her horn horn being removed by absolute, evil humans, I feel more needs to be done to help her and all the other animals in the wild facing poachers.

Rhinos and most wild animals are killed by poachers because they believe their horns,body parts, blood etc have medicine inside them which can treat/cure human illnesses. No matter how many times, scientists say it, these poachers and these witch doctors still believe they have medial properties. 

You can blame it on lack of education, but personally I just think they're stupid and selfish. Yep, that's right. What gives them the right to cause suffering to an animal? They are no better than any animal. We're technically all the same, we should all be treated the same. 

There would be uproar if someone went around mutilating people for medical purposes yet there's none when it comes to the poaching of animals. We're extremely lucky that we have the gift of speech, animals can't communicate their feelings but it doesn't mean they don't have rights. 

Every animal has a right to live a happy and healthy life. Sometimes, I hate the human race and feel quite ashamed that I am a human really especially when our kind do such selfish, evil things. 

So Thandi the Rhinocerous had her horn removed by poachers, she was lucky to be found when she did otherwise she would most definitely have died. The rangers in the reserve park she lives in watch her 24/7 and are trying to heal the wound she still has 2 years after her ordeal. At the end of the programme, the rangers announced that Thandi was pregnant with her first baby. The future is looking bright for Thandi.

To finish this rant (sorry), I thought this picture summed up Thandi's ordeal and why it should NEVER have happened: 

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