Monday 3 August 2015


Hi PetPals! 

How cute is this baby Rhino?! 

Not only is he the cutest thing I have ever seen but he's a fighter and a survivor! Unfortunately, his mother was cruelly attacked by poachers whilst she was pregnant with him but thanks to the amazing work of the 'Rhino Angels' (the nickname the rangers are given) they were BOTH saved! 

Even though, she went through a horrific ordeal and lost her horn, it is so heartwarming to see her look after her baby. Just look how happy they both are! 

For me, this baby Rhino represents Hope. Hope that in the future poaching and trophy hunting of these beautiful animals will stop and they will rise into a new world. A world without cruelty to animals. 

The time to act is now. Save these animals so that we can see more cute photos like the ones above. You can help either by donating or just sharing a post to raise awareness of endangered animals. 

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