Wednesday 29 July 2015

International Tiger Day!

Hi PetPals!

Did you know today is International Tiger Day?

International Tiger Day is an annual event and is both an awareness day as a celebration. It was founded at the Saint Petersburg Tiger Summit in 2010. This was done because at that moment wild tigers were too close to extinction. Many animal welfare organisations pledged to help these wonderful creatures and are still helping to raise funds to reach this goal. The goal of Tiger Day is to promote the protection and expansion of the wild tigers habitats and to gain support through awareness for tiger conservation.

We have lost 97% of our Wild Tigers in just 100 years!  Instead of 100,000, as few as 3000 live in the wild today, last year it was 3200! The figures show that in just 1 year, we have lost 200 Wild Tigers. It's horrifying to think that if we carry on at that rate, we will loose these beautiful creatures in just 1 year! 

It's so important that we make an effort to conserve these animals. We must change our attitude towards animals and understand that they have a right to live too. Our actions and behaviour has an impact on them.

It's not about donations but raising awareness. If we all share a picture or a post about International Tiger Day then we can make a difference. By sharing a post, you could be informing and educating someone who perhaps didn't realise just how critically endangered these animals are.

For more information, please Click here.

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Tuesday 28 July 2015

Swimming Guineapigs- Cute or Cruel?

Hi PetPals!

Over the weekend, a video of two Guineapigs swimming in a swimming pool went viral over social media.

The video (Click here) shows an owner placing his Guineapigs into a very big and deep swimming pool and letting them swim. Whilst the majority of people who have shared this video think it's ''cute'', in reality and when you think of Animal Welfare, it's not.

Guineapigs are not designed to swim. They are land animals and in the wild would live in groups on grassy plains. They would never choose to go swimming and often avoid rivers and lakes. They are not adapted for the water and nor do they have the strength to swim.

Guineapigs hold most of their weight in the bottom half of their body which means if you place them in water, they will just sink. The only reason they start ''swimming'' is because they have no choice. It's either sink or swim, death or life.

Placing your Guineapig in unnatural surroundings such as water will also cause them considerable stress. Their heart and lungs are small and located just under their front legs. Making them swim is putting major pressure on their breathing system.

Another thing that is significantly bad about making your guinea-pigs swim is the temperature of the water. What might feel warm to you will actually be freezing for your Guineapig. Again, it's not good to mess with your Guineapigs temperature as this can cause all kinds of illnesses.

I know a lot of you will be shouting at the screen ''What about baths?''. Well, Guineapigs should only be bathed when necessary AND the water should be very shallow and warm enough for your Guineapig.

The video make look ''cute'' but in actual fact, both Guineapigs are very stressed out. One is circling and the other is desperately looking for a way out but the sides are far too high for him to climb. In short, the water is way too deep, the sides are far too high and the Guineapigs are extremely stressed by it all.

And so is it Cute or Cruel? the verdict is...... Cruel.

Guineapigs are not designed to swim and should never be put in a situation where they are forced to. If you see this video on any social media, please do not share. Instead, share this post. The worst thing about the video going viral is the amount of owners who will try make their Guineapigs swim. Lets try and prevent that.

Sunday 26 July 2015

Meet the Penguins

Hi PetPals!

With August just around the corner, it's time for yet another cute animal series to start on ITV. This year, ITV have brought us 'Meet the Penguins'.

The documentary follows the Penguins at London Zoo and their keeper, Adrian. Adrian who has worked with the Penguins at London Zoo for over a decade takes a once in a lifetime trip to Peru to see where his beloved Humboldt Penguins originated from.

Adrian with penguin chicks in Peru

The series is sure to be a fantastic and heart warming.

It starts tonight on ITV1 at 7pm! You'll be silly to miss it

Saturday 25 July 2015

Review || Natures Aid Coconut Oil - Guinea pig Grease Gland

Hi PetPals!

Some of you may know this but male guineapigs (boars) have grease glands near their bottoms that need cleaning frequently. 

For those that don't know what I am on about, here is a picture that will help:

The grease gland in a guinea pig is located just above where a tail would be (if cavies had a tail). Some sows and some boars have active grease glands that can be a challenge to clean. 

You will know if your guineapig has an active grease gland as it will be quite smelly, greasy and look black. 

Owning 3 boars myself, I know how hard it is to keep this area clean. I have tried everything from using washing up liquid to pet shampoo much to my avail. 

Recently, I stumbled across a website that told me to use pure coconut oil. Now I know what you're thinking, 'the grease glands are oily so why use oil to treat it'. Well much to my surprise, it works!

I purchased this 'Natures aid Coconut Oil' from Amazon for £3.45 which is a bargain! The tub is 100ml which is more than enough. It arrived very quickly and I have been very impressed by it.

It's not a pure oil as it's name might suggest but more a waxy kind of cream that turns quite wet when you get a little bit on your fingers.


To apply it, I sit my guineapig on a towel and stick my fingers into the pot and get quite a generous layer out. I then literally rub it all over my guineapigs grease gland. As I do this, I can feel the wax becoming loose and wet which is obviously the coconut oil itself. Now you have two options, you can either leave the coconut oil on your guineapig or wipe it off 10-15 minutes later. I've tried both and they work both the same.

Since using this, my guineapigs grease glands have improved and I find myself not having to do this as often as what I was. My guineapigs are also not getting stressed out having baths and their grease glands scrubbed. It's definitely a lot more gentle and calming for your guineapig. 

I really would recommend this to all guineapig owners. Not only does it do a good job of cleaning out the grease glands but coconut oil also has anti-fungal properties too. 

You can purchase this particular pot here: 

Wednesday 15 July 2015

Guinea-Pigs Bedding and Enrichment

Hi PetPals!

Guinea-pigs are not as tough as what they were 10-15 years ago. There are a number of reasons why this is and these include breeding, genetics and owner knowledge.

Some breeders are not choosing wisely which guineapigs they mate. To get the 'perfect' guineapig, both the male and female need to be healthy and have good genetics so that their offspring will be as healthy too. Breeding a guineapig that has health problems is only passing on those genes to the offspring which means they too will get sick. Now of course, every animal will become ill at some point in their life but what you don't want is an animal that's constantly sick. This is not good for the animal or you as it's distressing on both parts. 

Owner knowledge is also something that could be a reason for them not being as hardy as they used to be. Not everyone knows their needs and signs/symptoms of illness etc. This is purely why I decided to set up this blog.



The best bedding for guinea-pigs is a layer of newspaper with LOTS of HAY. 

You should never give a guinea-pig straw as it does not provide them any nutritional value. It can also irritate your guinea-pig too. Hay like vitamin C is essential in keeping guineapigs healthy.

Another thing you should never give guinea-pigs is sawdust. A lot of owners use sawdust to soak up the urine and the smell (especially if the guineapigs are kept indoors). Whilst, it does a good job at soaking up the urine and masking the smell, it's SUPER BAD for your guineapig. Sawdust gets stuck in their ears, eyes and paws which can cause infections and illnesses. It's also not very nice to lay on, just imagine sleeping on a bed of sawdust - sharp, smelly and rough. Vets do not recommend sawdust and blame most eye and ear infections on sawdust. 

If you want something to soak up the urine and the smell, I recommend you use carefresh. It's a little expensive but the benefits for both you and your guinea-pig are far greater than sawdust. You can get it at pets@home, amazon, ebay and most pet shops. 

Carefresh is soft and enables guineapigs  to make little nests and feel safe and comfortable. It soaks up urine and you wouldn't even notice the smell. For more info on carefresh, check out their website:

Of course, if you use carefresh, make sure you add hay on top too. 


For those that don't know, enrichment means to make your animals life fuller and happier. Guineapigs are very sociable animals and so you should always keep them in pairs or small groups (preferably the same sex). 

Guineapigs love exploring and 'tunnelling' - it's something they would do in the wild. Add tunnels to your guineapigs enclosure, even stuff the tunnels with hay, they will love exploring them. 

Guineapigs need things to chew to keep their teeth trim and in good health. Lots of pet shops have toys your guineapig can chew but most guineapigs are happy with one of these:

Yep, toilet roll tubes are guineapigs favourite toys. They love to pick them up, chew them and are lots more fun when you hide fruit in. They're also extremely cheap for you too, everyone has toilet roll so there's no reason why you can't give your guineapig the toilet roll tube when it's empty.

Recently, I noticed my guineapigs love the sound of bells and chimes. So, off I went to Asda for some kitten bell balls. They were super cheap and strong enough that I knew they wouldn't break and cause a choking hazard. As soon as I put them in their cage, they were intrigued and were soon picking the me up by their teeth and shaking them. Guineapigs LOVE them and they're super cute to watch them playing with them. 

It's extremely important you provide your guineapig with something to do. How would you feel being stuck in an empty room ALL DAY EVERY DAY. Make sure you let them out of their cage too, guineapigs need exericise every day. Just because the weather is bad outside does not mean you cannot bring them inside and let them on the floor (Make sure you get rid of wires, block holes, no dogs/cats around and it's safe to let them out). 

Perhaps even buy your guineapig a play run so that you can feel reassured your guineapigs are safe during floor time in your house.

Well, I hope this has helped some of you. Please check out the following links for places to buy enrichment, bedding and for more information